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BS ISO 15555-1999 硫酸高铈-三价铈剂量测定系统使用规程

作者:百检网 时间:2021-07-16

标准号:BS ISO 15555-1999
英文标准名称:Practice for use of a ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system
发布日期:1999/8/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/8/15 12:00:00
适用范围:1 This practice covers the preparation, testing, and procedure for using the ceric-cerous sulfate dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose in water when exposed to ionizing radiation. For simplicity, the system will be referred to as the ceriocerous system. It is classified as a reference standard dosimetry system (see Guide E 1261). 2 This practice describes both the spectrophotometric and the potentiometric readout procedures for the ceric-cerous systems. 3 This practice applies only to γ rays, X-rays, and high energy electrons. 4 This practice applies provided the following are satis-fied: 4.1 The absorbed-dose range shall be between 5 × 10 and 5 × 10 Gy (1). 4.2 The absorbed-dose rate shall be less than 10 Gy/s (1). 4.3 For radiomiclide gamma-ray sources, the initial photon energy shall be greater than 0.6 MeV. For bremsstrahlung photons, the initial energy of the electrons used to produce the bremsstrahlung photons shall be equal to or greater than 2 MeV. For electron beams, the initial electron energy shall be greater than 8 MeV. Note 1—The lower energy limits are appropriate for a cylindrical dosimeter ampoule of 12-mm diameter. Corrections for dose gradients across an ampoule of that diameter or less are not required. The ceru-cerous system may be used at lower energies by employing thinner (in the beam direction) dosimeter containers (see ICRU Report 35). 4.4 The irradiation temperature of the dosimeter should be between 0 and 62℃. 5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.


《ISO 17226-1:2008》皮革 甲醛含量的化学测定 第1部分:高效液相色谱法 ISO 17226-1:2008
《GB/T 18412.7-2006》纺织品 农药残留量的测定 第7部分:毒杀芬 GB/T 18412.7-2006
《GB/T 23322-2009》纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚 GB/T 23322-2009
《DIN 54231-2005》纺织品-分散性染料的测定 DIN 54231-2005
《GB/T 11170—2008》不锈钢 多元素含量的测定 火花放电原子发射光谱法(常规法) GB/T 11170—2008
《GB/T 4336—2016》碳素钢和中低合金钢 多元素含量的测定 火花放电原子发射光谱法(常规法) GB/T 4336—2016
《ASTM E562-2019》用系统人工点计数法测定体积分数的试验方法 ASTM E562-2019
《GB/T 709—2019》热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 GB/T 709—2019
《ASTM G28-2002(2015)》检测锻制高镍铬轴承合金晶间腐蚀敏感性试验方法 ASTM G28-2002(2015)
《GB/T 7216—2009》灰铸铁金相检验 GB/T 7216—2009






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