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作者:百检网 时间:2021-12-09 来源:互联网




  目前直补细则未公布,但这限制不了业界的丰富想象,他们一致认为:新棉价格肯定比抛储价格低,质量肯定比储备棉好。8月中下旬,湖北、新疆棉区已有棉企开秤,籽棉价格在3.50元/斤左右,折皮棉成本在152 0173 3840-14700元/吨,预计销售价格在15200-15500元/吨,这与之前业界预测价格相差不大。新棉以此价格上市,应该说让纺企看到了下年度棉价的“底牌”。




With the new year is approaching, the market is also increasingly weak domestic cotton yarn. And there are a lot of cotton spinning factory boss thinks, next year the market price was still there will be a big drop. In late August, textile enterprises wait-and-see sentiment strong, everyone is waiting, a direct subsidy rules landing, two is the market "or stopped".

Domestic yarn shipment delay, prices continued to fall. In August 26th, a Shandong enterprise carding 32S price 24900 yuan / ton, 40S price 26200 yuan / ton, compared to the 25 day down 100 yuan / ton, 300 yuan / ton. The person in charge, to retain old customers, the price is still 200 yuan / ton about. "The order is too small, watching the stock rise day by day, feel great pressure." The responsible person is worried about his upcoming "critical" inventory, only through the continuous price to attract customers purchasing. Since August, they have cut the enterprises offer two times, down in the range of 400-600 yuan / ton, but no significant increase in orders. According to reflect recent enterprises, except for a few low air spinning sales, sales of other cotton yarn are not good.

Import yarn shipment is not easy, traders playing the price war. According to traders, as of August 26th, Ningbo port a Pakistan yarn price 24100 yuan / ton, the actual transaction price of 23900 yuan / ton, Vietnam yarn 23600 yuan / ton, the actual transaction price of 23400 yuan / ton, individual transaction price of 23200 yuan / ton, we go to the inventory has been for "head broken and bleeding", but sales are still slow. Market estimates, at present Qingdao port, Shanghai port, Ningbo port, Guangzhou Port imported yarn inventory has reached 7.5-8.0 million tons, an increase from the previous month 1.0-1.5 million tons.

The direct subsidy rules not released, but the rich imagination which do not limit the industry, they agreed that: cotton price is more than the cast store the price is low, quality is certainly better than cotton reserves. 8 months late, Hubei, Xinjiang region has cotton enterprises balance, seed cotton price in 3.50 yuan / jins, folded cotton cost in 152 0173 3840-14700 yuan / ton, expected sales prices in the 15200-15500 yuan / ton, this is before the industry forecast price difference. The new cotton this price listed, should say to see next year cotton spinning enterprises "".

The cost of raw materials prices decline, cotton prices continued to decline almost That's final. Because the country for three consecutive years of storage, the current domestic market in addition to cotton storage has almost no usable cotton, cotton or mainland and this year will be significantly reduced, and Xinjiang may to the end of 10 to transport out of Xinjiang at inland textile factory, if required by public inspection report in judiciary after an exhausted, then need to delay 15 days. That is to say, from August 31st until the end of 10 at the end of throwing storage 50-60 days, the cotton market in the "vacuum", this time prices or slightly less than 17250 yuan / ton cast store the price and above showed a large number of listed after the 15000 yuan / ton price, cotton prices dropped or a buffer period, perhaps this is a good opportunity to go to the textile enterprise high cost of inventory.

To sum up, more the next year the market bad factors, at present the cotton market has been ahead of time to digest the bad, so the next year cotton prices down or will be "soft landing", but the enterprise should guard against the "warm boiled frog", prepared in advance.







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